Some thoughts and discussions from me.

When is the Best Time of Day to Work Out?

When is the Best Time of Day to Work Out?

When is the best time of day to work out? This is a question I get quite often from clients, readers, and boot camp clients. Ask this question, and you’ll likely get the answer: “the time of day you’ll actually do the workout!” And while it’s true – a actually do at any time of […]

My Metabolism Testing Results

My Metabolism Testing Results

Lately there’s been several people in my life seeking out testing to find more about themselves. Family history, DNA, and metabolism testing has been the subject of conversation for several of my friends, clients, and family members. And I love it. Ya’ll know. I love data. I love science. And I love taking what we […]

Do We NEED Carbs Pre-Workout?

Do We NEED Carbs Pre-Workout?

One of the big changes in nutrition my clients make is surrounding peri-workout nutrition, or what you’re consuming before, during, and after your workout, and how to manipulate this to best support your results. Google “pre-workout nutrition,” and, like everything else in the fitness and nutrition industry, you’ll get 20 different answers, leading to information […]

How I Determine My Clients’ Macros

How I Determine My Clients’ Macros

If you’ve worked with me in any capacity within the past year, you know that all of my clients gets their own individual macronutrients. Whether you’re tracking macronutrient grams, or estimating portions, you’ll get your own individual guidelines on how much protein, carbs, and fat to eat each day. Of course, the level of detail […]