Some thoughts and discussions from me.
Some thoughts and discussions from me.
Whenever I’m running an online group program, like my Lean Body Lifting online training + macronutrient cycling boot camp, there will inevitably be some clients who are traveling during a portion of the program.
In these cases, equipment is a bit limited, and I’m happy to provide some bodyweight-only workouts.
One of the easiest muscle groups to train without any equipment is the abs, because your body is all the equipment you’ll need!
In the video below, I’ll show you four of my favorite core movements in this 15 Minute At-Home Ab Workout – and why I like them (aside from getting those 6-pack abs 😉 )
Our abs have a few different functions:
With these five exercises, you can achieve all three of these functions, and work on getting some more definition through your midsection.
Now, let’s break it down.
RKC Plank
Assume a plank position, ensuring your elbows are directly under your shoulders. Squeeze the glutes and then think about pulling your elbows and toes toward each other. Hold for :30, or hold for :15, rest :02, then hold for another :15
Clamshell Crunch
In a supine position with your knees bent and low back pushed against the ground, place your hands behind your ears. Bring your knees toward your elbows, and your elbows toward your knees, lifting your upper back off the ground.
Anti-Rotation Side Plank
In a side plank position, place your left elbow right under your left shoulder, making your body form a straight line. Think about pulling your elbow and heel of your left foot toward each other, and hold.
Prone Toe Taps
In a high plank position, sweep your right leg underneath your body and tap it to the left of your hips. Return to start, and switch sides.
Alternating Leg Raises
In a supine position, bring both knees and hips to 90 degrees. Push your low back to the ground lowering your left heel to the ground by hinging at the hips. As you bring it back up, switch sides.
I hope you enjoy! I filmed this video for Sierra Trading Post and their fall fitness campaign. I’ll be sharing a few more workout videos in the coming weeks.
You can find more bodyweight-only workouts here.
What are some of your favorite ab exercises?