Some thoughts and discussions from me.

The other day I was on a call with one of my clients, and we were discussing staple items for a healthy grocery list to make meal prep more seamless and easy.

Let’s face it – we ALL have packed schedules, and any type of short cut that makes eating and living healthy is appreciated. As my schedule has become more filled with clients, online training programs, and boot camps, I’ve switched up my regular grocery shopping from Whole Foods and Sprouts to Trader Joe’s and Costco.



Well, for one, you can get a crap ton of healthy food for some pretty great prices! But secondly, and equally as important, I’m able to utilize convenience and short cuts with many of the items on my staple grocery list.

I’ve posted about my healthy Trader Joe’s grocery list before, so today I thought I’d cover my Costco Healthy Food Grocery List!

I typically shop at Costco every 4-6 weeks to pick up some of essentials that either don’t go bad very quickly – or that I eat quickly enough not to matter anyway!

Produce (1)


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What are some of your costco grocery shopping staples?