Some thoughts and discussions from me.
Some thoughts and discussions from me.
Hello, friends! I have quite a treat for you today – my guide to Create Your Own Strength Training Workout! This is my starter formula for designing a solid, balanced, efficient strength training routine. Of course, it’s not everything that goes into building a customized workout – and moreso not an entire workout program – but if it were, it’d be an entire book, rather than a 2-sheeter, quick-reference guide for you 😉
Also, since we’re talking about one workout, it focuses on what to include in your full-body workout (the best kind, in my personal opinion ;-))
Grab your copy HERE – or keep reading, and grab it at the bottom of this post.
Last night I posted this on Instagram:
Other reasons include help lift heavy furniture in the house, FEEL strong and empowered, and because muscles.
And it’s all true. Every single word of it. Lifting is a piece of me. It’s part of who I am! And I swear, my vertical has increased inches since college, and that’s thanks to building strength and muscle in the core and glutes. It makes me feel powerful. No, it makes me feel like a powerhouse.
But the best part the comments. The most common word in all of them? Feel. I suppose what’s as equally as gratifying is that a common word wasn’t look. Strength training might help burn fat and create a banging physique, but what’s more – way more – is how it can make one feel.
[Tweet “I love lifting because of how it makes me FEEL over how it makes me LOOK – via @TrainerPaige”]
When I very first got into fitness – like really into it – back in 2006-2007, I defaulted to running. It’s what everyone else seemed to be doing, so if I started there, at least I’d have a few running partners.
And while yes, running made me feel good while doing it – even maybe directly afterward – it began to make me feel not good in a general sense. I was run down, burned out, low energy, and worst of all – injured.
Now, I know that there are people who can run their little hearts out and feel awesome all day long. I’m just saying that I’m not one of those people. (And yes, I do still run. But not only has my mileage decreased severely, but my reasons for running are different now. Now I run to explore, to seek Colorado beauty, and to connect with friends and with God.)
Anyway, fast forward a year or two to when I found strength training. I was hooked. But my love for lifting wasn’t a 1-2 year stint in which I hit a high and then came crashing down. Lifting helped center me, and added value to my life, rather than dragged me down.
I loved lifting so much that I made it my mission to help other women find this empowerment through strength training. Not to mention, it’s one bad ass, fun as hell way to completely change your physique.
You probably know that part of my job is training clients both in-person and online, and, not surprisingly, I love every minute of it. The determination, the struggles, the victories, the accomplishments of my clients – I take them on all as my own.
However, I don’t have the luxury of being able to work with every single one of you, or my friends on social media. There’s only so many hours in a day, and not every single person is ready, willing, and/or able to make the investment in their health in this particular manner.
So, I decided to do what I’ve been wanting to do for quite some time – create a quick hitter guide to get you started to building an efficient, balanced, solid strength training workout.
[Tweet “Cheat Sheet Guide to Create Your Own Strength Workout! – via @trainerpaige #fitfluential”]
Like I mentioned earlier, it’s definitely not everything that goes into creating a workout for someone, but it is most definitely a comprehensive guide to write a solid workout. Get your guide!
Enjoy! And please, if you have any questions or just want to shoot me an email, you can do so at:
I saw your post last night and loved it. I was immediately thinking of all the reasons I lift as well. It’s so empowering to feel that strength! Love this cheat sheet too. I’m sure it will be so helpful for people who are just starting out!
Heather @Fit n Cookies recently posted…A Humbling Workout
I love lifting! Saw your Insta last night and thought to myself what a great thing to say about lifting. There’s so many running social shares, but not enough are sharing about lifting. That’s something I love about you Paige.
Megan @ Skinny Fitalicious recently posted…State of the Blog…June 2015
Thanks so much, Megan. Lifting rocks! 🙂
What a great idea to share and I agree – lifting makes me feel strong and empowered!!
Heather @ FITaspire recently posted…Shrimp and Andouille Sausage Bowl
Thanks, Heather!