Some thoughts and discussions from me.

Don’t be fooled by the low numbers in the title of this workout. Just because there are only two moves and 10 minutes long does not mean this will be an easy feat!

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Au contraire, it’ll be tough. But hey, so are you, so we can tough it out together.

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This workout is for one of those days when you really really wanted to get in a good long lifting session, but life just got in the way. Maybe a meeting ran long or you had to run an unexpected errand. No big deal. The key is that you use whatever time you now have – even if it’s 10 minutes.

In fact, this is one of the workouts I did last week when my parents were here, and I wanted to fit in a quick sweat sesh.

2-Move 10-Minute EMOM Workout

Equipment needed:

1 medicine ball

1 sturdy step or bench (optional – you can do the substitute exercise if you do not have one)


Set a timer for 10 minutes. At the top of the odd minutes (1,3,5, etc.) you’ll complete the med ball toss + slam combo and at the top of the even minutes (2,4,6, etc.) you’ll complete the bench jump + squat thrust combo.

As always, please check with your physician before beginning any new exercise routine.


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Modified Burpee + Box Jump: From a standing position, place your hands on your box and jump your feet back into a plank. Immediately jump them back in. Jump up, then go into a squat, then jump (or step) safely onto the box. Step down. That’s 1 rep.

Medicine Ball Toss + Slam: From a standing position, push your hips back into a squat. As you stand, throw the ball up into the air and then catch it. Bring it up overhead, and using your whole body, slam it on the ground. Safely pick it up. That’s 1 rep.

If you try it, let me know how you do!

When was the last time life got in the way of one of your workouts?