Some thoughts and discussions from me.

Happy Friday, friends! I hope you’re all having a wonderful week, and have some fun weekend plans ahead.

1. This afternoon, I’m taking off with a group of friends to go camping somewhere near Rocky Mountain National Park! I’m pretty pumped to sleep under the stars. But first, I’m headed out this morning with these two ladies to do one of my favorite hikes – Gem Lake:


That picture is actually from the last time we all did Gem Lake together. Gem Lake was Shane and my very first Colorado hike <– such great memories.

Yep, it’s going to be a very nature, mountain, and beautiful scenery-filled weekend, which just puts me on cloud 9.

2. I think about a lot of things while on the trails. The other day I was running at Marshall Mesa, thinking about a conversation I was having with a friend, and how my love for the mountains is really a love for myself. Everything I love about them is a projection of everything I love about myself. Makes you think!



3. Speaking of running. I’ve noticed that I smile and say hi or “good morning” to every single other person running/hiking on the trail. And not just any smile, but a giant toothy grin – like a crazy person. Everyone always smiles and says hi back, probably because Colorado is such a happy state to live in. Either that, or they’re secretly just laughing at my crazy. Does anyone else do this?


Snapped this pic during my in-town run on Wednesday morning. It’s kinda scary/awesome that even on trails in town, there’s still signs that warn of mountain lion habitats. The pros and cons of living in a town snuggled up to the mountains!

4. Speaking of smiling at people, you just really never know when someone is going through a dark time in their life, do you?


I was so saddened by the news of Robin Williams’ death. It makes me think twice about the people I encounter on a daily basis. That cashier who you think has a stick up his ass? He might really be struggling, and perhaps a little smile and positive conversation could brighten his day – if only a little. It kind of goes back to living to look for your opportunities, eh?

5. I just noticed that I’m apparently numbering my thoughts in this post. Let’s carry on that way.

6. If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll know that I’ve been on a quest to put an end to my spandex-wearing ways. Not totally – just when I’m not in the gym. Seriously from Monday morning until Friday afternoon, you can find me in spandex and lycra. But, no more! In an effort to put some thought into what I look like, I’ve been wearing actual real people clothes!



Top picture: top is Ella Moss, bottoms are Mother Demin, sandals are Birkenstocks. Feeling croppy in the bottom outfit picture: top is a cheapie from some cheapie store, shorts are Athleta.

7. A couple nights ago Shane and I decided to go for it and head to The Rib House to get our inner fat kids on. Cue: family style servings of bbq ribs, pulled pork, cheesy corn bake, corn bread, potato salad, coleslaw, and fried mac and cheese. And a beer each. We did it up right, you guys.


I promise I eat healthy most of the time.

8. I’ve been consistently hitting the weights 3 x’s a week now and I can’t tell you how great it feels. For a while there, my lifting sessions were somewhat haphazard, and I forgot how much my body likes it when I ask it to pick up some heavy things and/or lifting my body weight. I’m also planning on participating in Boot Camp with you guys, which will carry on this consistency Winking smile


9. And last but not least, today’s the last day to take advantage of early bird pricing for Online Boot Camp before the price goes up tonight! You can sign up here.

Peace! Have a lovely weekend, guys Open-mouthed smile


What are you doing this weekend?

Do you like the town you live in? What’s one fun fact about it?