Some thoughts and discussions from me.

Oh man, this week has been something. Shane’s been in Phoenix all week (he just got home last night,) and it seems like as soon as he left I was putting out fires everywhere! From shattering my iPhone, to falling spiders, to broken TV’s, there hasn’t been a dull moment at the casa de Trainer Paige.


But, like I posted on Instagram, the upside is that I get to choose to be happy and joyful anyway, and that’s pretty flipping amazing. Wouldn’t you say?

Last week was the last week of Glute Camp, and I was sad to see it go! I’ll definitely be hosting another one next summer. Before this month, I had a good couple months there where I was lifting very sporadically, maybe 3 days one week, 2 the next, and sometimes only once a week! It’s been nice to follow a plan – and see some progress. My jeans are fitting a bit nicer after 4 weeks of Glute Camp! Plus, it’s always totally rewarding getting positive feedback about all of YOUR progress over the month, too. It’s a big part of what makes me share all of this with you! Red heart

However, since only a slice of you are participating in GC, I thought I’d share a quick and dirty (with only 2 exercises!) booty blaster workout with you all. It will only take about 10 minutes, but – as long as you execute proper form, you’ll really feel that booty burning!

As always, check with a doc before beginning any new exercises or exercise program.


It’s a body weight-only workout, so it’s great if you’re traveling, or love outdoor workouts like me. I actually did this workout while I was in Florida a few weeks ago! I don’t like to spend much time working out while traveling, and this provided the perfect amount of burn before hitting up the ocean. It could either be counted as a quick workout when you’re short on time, or you could tack it on to a strength workout as a workout finisher. Your call.

A couple pointers:

  • Focus on pushing the weight back into the heels during your squat jumps
  • A slight anterior lean during the step repeaters will encourage more gluteal recruitment
  • Make sure the knees don’t bow in during your squat jumps. If you notice the knees going in at all, omit the jump

Now, this workout is much more focused on the “burn” and is more metabolic in nature than strength. Of course it’s important to work on strength as well. Those big, load-bearing compound moves should have their place in a solid lifting program. That said, sometimes 10 minutes is all you have, and this one’s great if you’re looking to target the glutes in those 10 minutes.

Happy training!

What’s your favorite muscle to train?

Anyone else having random “bad luck” this week? (Hopefully not!! Smile)