Some thoughts and discussions from me.

If you were to ask the 5 people closest to me on this planet what some of my inherent attributes were, you might get:





but one adjective they would never utter would be organized. From a random outsider, sure I might look organized, but it does not come naturally and it most certainly does not come easy to me. I have to work, and work really hard, at staying organized.


I actually got pretty good at being organized in 2009, when I formulated an LLC and started my own business. Basically, I was forced into being organized. I realized that if I wanted to be successful in the fitness industry, I’d have to have some sort of system (not to mention the IRS isn’t too keen on disorganized taxes for small business owners.)

Because organization doesn’t come naturally to me, I don’t have any stellar tips – aside from finding a really good calendar that works for you and your lifestyle. I found mine – the Informant Pro app.


No, I don’t have a list of ways to make sure you make your to-do list to-done. I just have one tip. One tip that has helped me clear the clutter from my brain and get ish done:

Do the thing you’re doing until it’s done.

It’s simple, really, yet so difficult at the same time. Before I started really following this rule, I’d walk into a room with one thing, see another thing that needed to be done, and move on to that. Or if I was on the computer, and waiting for something to load, I’d switch to another application I had up and do some work over there, while waiting. Inevitably, I’d forget about what was loading beforehand and then remember at a much less convenient time.


Pretty much!

Now, I try and do something until it’s done. That means if I walk into the laundry room with the goal of folding laundry, I fold, and fold, and fold, until I’m done, and then I put it all away. Next task. Sometimes it’s a little tougher when I’m working on the computer, as I didn’t get a whole bunch of the patience virtue, and when something takes a while to load, it’s all my restraint not to command+tab over to another screen.

But I’m working on it. And it’s helped not only my to-do list so dang much, but also my sanity. It actually feels like my mind is clearer.