Some thoughts and discussions from me.

Good morning! Sun It’s a bright and sunny day over here in Colorado, and I plan on taking full advantage of it during my few free hours this


Guys, I am still absolutely loving the crap out of bodyweight workouts. As I mentioned a few weeks ago, my workout why has shifted due to a recent injury In addition to yoga, I’m challenging my strength by working on my pullups and by working toward an unassisted bodyweight dip (and not these kind, these kind) and I’m feeling sore each week in my muscles. I love it!

But I’ve also been enjoying getting in some cardio in the form of bodyweight exercises, too. I like to spin and run sprints, but sometimes I just need a quick and dirty 10 minute workout to sweat, huff, and puff, and this workout that I did last week totally did the trick. Let me share it with you!

Make sure beforehand to warm up by activating key muscle groups like glutes, hip flexors, lats, etc., warm up the thoracic spine, and foam roll.

The Workout



Other no equipment required at-home cardio & strength workouts:

30 min HIIT Workout

Bodyweight HIIT Workout

Man of Steel workout

Bodyweight Program for a Beginner

What’s your favorite bodyweight “cardio” exercise?