Some thoughts and discussions from me.

Good morning Open-mouthed smile

After a super busy Tuesday (8:30-6:30….but all fun work!) yesterday was a much more relaxing day. I had no formal work on the agenda – just admin work to do at my desk. I had a blog post for MuesliFusion to finish up, worked on a couple new client programs who are starting next week, and called back and emailed some contacts for possible future KIND marketing work.

Sometime in there, I walked to the gym to lift, and then took Niko for a walk/run. The day’s main lifts were chin ups and front squats at the gym. Then I just did a few supplement exercises after that, and finished with a burpee/plyo lunge finisher.


And the post-workout walk was just simply gorgeous! Colorado has welcomed me back with ample sun and temps high in the 60’s. I love it – I wish it would stay like this all the time!!

This might sound really silly to you, but on days where I don’t have any set work hours – no clients or classes and no KIND seedings/samplings/events – I tend to have a mild level of anxiety. I think I just thrive when I have some sort of semblance of a time-bound schedule. So much, that I set deadlines on my to do list. I’ll say that I have to get my workout done by this time, finish writing a blog post at this time, and be back home from grocery shopping by a certain, etc. You get the picture.

I let my to-do list become my schedule – timelines and everything – as evidenced by this old to do list!


Ha! That list is from this post where I admit I’m not much of a skier (I’m hoping to change that this yearWinking smile)

Anyway, it’s silly.  Yesterday, however, I was surprised to realize that I wasn’t letting the clock dictate my day…at all (no mild anxiety either.) I had nothing pressing on my agenda, and I actually let myself enjoy that. Instead of rushing around at the gym, getting my workout in and getting out, I made eye contact with others, and even had full out conversations in the middle of my workout. Sure, I may have extended my workout time from 60 minutes to 90 minutes, but that was A-OK.

And on my walk with Niko, instead of walking fast to get it done, we walked at a leisurely pace, enjoying the gorgeous day, and the clear view of the mountains we had while walking.


I never get sick of our neighborhood walks, with this view!

I continued this I’ll-get-to-it-when-I’m-there attitude throughout the entire day, and eventually got all most of my to-do’s done. Being bound by time has been a battle I’ve had for years. However, I’ve also been working really hard to not let the clock stress me out.  These are some of the things that help the most:

  • Completely change the clock in my car to the wrong time, so that I can’t figure out what time it really is. To me, knowing the time while driving is pointless. I’m already on my way to where I’m going. Being stressed out by the time I have to get there won’t get me there any faster.
  • Not looking at my phone every 5 minutes. I’m doing much better about looking at my phone all of the time during the day. When I’m at the computer, or doing something around the house, I’ll put it away. And after dinner, when it’s time to wind down for the night, all electronics stay on my desk. If I need to do something on the computer/ipad/phone, I have to go to my desk…not on the couch.
  • Really, just being a calmer person in general. I can be a little….not really high stress, but…reactionary. I have to work on being calm and absorbing things before I react.

Do you tend to let the clock rule your day and daily activities a little too much?