Some thoughts and discussions from me.

Hi there!

Glad you all were with me (and got a kick out of) yesterday’s post. Sometimes a girl’s just gotta get some pent-up annoyances and aggression off of her chest, ya know? Kind of therapeutic Winking smile Oh, and something else therapeutic that I’ve done this week is running:


Don’t expect it to last. In fact, I should probably lay off. This is my first week not doing hot yoga 3-4 times a week, and I quit in order to dedicate more time and energy to lifting. Therefore, I should not replace it with running Winking smile Ah well, I did it for the views, to be honest.image

There’s this road across the street from my ‘hood that’s an out and back, and the “back” portion provides breath-taking views of the entire front range of the Colorado Rockies. Amazing. I think it’s about 3-4 miles, and I should note that I take walk breaks, too. For the most part, I prefer my cardio to take place in the mountains, and in hiking form.

Moving on! Today’s Wednesday, and I thought I’d participate in What I Ate Wednesday this week. I like to do typical days in the week, rather than special occasions or weekend. From my perspective, I’d rather see what someone eats on a day to day basis, rather than on a day of a special event or on the weekend. If you prefer otherwise, let me know! And I’ll show one of those days Smile

Anyway, this post showcases Monday’s eats. I teach a 6:30 a.m. class that’s about 15 minutes from my house, so that means I wake up around 5:15. Since I always eat within 15-30 minutes of waking, it also means an early morning breakfast

Breakfast: 6:00, eaten on the way to teach class:


I mixed up a jar of overnight oats. This batch included oats, protein powder, yogurt, almond milk, peanut butter, and hemp seeds. Very delicious and filling.

For the past few months, I’ve been eating within 30 minutes of waking up. Even though I eat a nighttime snack, by the time I wake up, it’s still usually 9-10 hours since I’ve eaten. With my low blood sugar issues, I feel better when I eat breakfast sooner than later – especially if I’m going to be working out in the morning.

I taught a 45 minute, high intensity interval training class, and then headed back home. I took Niko for about a 45 minute walk, and then headed to the gym in my neighborhood to get my own workout in. Starting this week, I’m back to doing 3 full body workouts each week. In between days, I’m going to focus on mobility and stretching, as I’ve noticed a couple of muscle imbalances lately. Anything else is extra – hiking, walking, or a random run!

Breakfast #2: 10:00, after lifting:


2 eggs, 2 strips of bacon, sauteed kale, and GF toast with coconut butter.

I had several hours before my next client, so I did some writing for an article that’s due, checked in on some online clients, went over some spinning profiles, and pre-wrote some blog posts in the meantime.

Lunch: 2:00:


Leftovers! Taco salad over lettuce with grilled red peppers, guacamole, and tortilla chips.

Snack: 4:30, right before heading back to the gym to train:



No bake protein bar! I had to train from 5-7, so I grabbed this on my way out the door to keep my satisfied until dinner. When I got home shortly after 7:00, I was ready to eat! Luckily, dinner didn’t take long to cook, and we had an old favorite.

Dinner: 7:30:



Fish tacos! We sauteed some sole in chipotle seasoning, and then made a Greek yogurt sauce of GY + sea salt and pepper + sugar + cilantro. On the side, we had grilled zucchini + onions.

Seeing as we had this at 7:30, you’d think I wouldn’t need a nighttime snack. However, I stayed up late (for me) and right before heading to bed at 10:00, I had some KIND peanut butter granola (from my kind friend, Lauren,) which is like, the best granola EVER, and almond milk.


And that was my Monday!

How long after waking up do you eat breakfast?