Some thoughts and discussions from me.

Morning Sun

Here’s how I ended my day yesterday:


After training yesterday afternoon, I took Niko on a short walk to experience the beauty of what is a Colorado mountain sunset. I usually walk this path in the morning, but the other day, I realized it’d be even more gorgeous in the evening. Ah, yes. I went ended the day a grateful girl.

But let’s rewind a bit. Today’s What I Ate Wednesday focuses on my eats from yesterday, because I waited until the last possible day  (as I do) to photograph my eats for this week’s WIAW post. I hope ya’ll don’t get tired of these type of posts. I don’t typically share my meals (unless you follow me on Instagram,) so if it does, in fact, bore you, regular fitness-y & health posting stuff will resume tomorrow Winking smile And with that long-winded intro, let’s dive in!


I woke up around 6:20am with a 7:00am client on my agenda. I wasn’t at all hungry, but since I try to eat within 30 minutes of waking, plus I knew I’d be getting my workout in right after training, I stuffed down a quick, small breakfast of the best cottage cheese ever + almond butter + cherries.


Not too photogenic, but it was pretty tasty.

After training a client, training myself, and walking Niko, I came home to foam roll, stretch, and eat some more while watching Live! with Kelly and Michael.

Breakfast #2


2 eggs cooked in coconut oil, Applegate turkey sausage, avocado, and this yummy toast w/ ghee.

After this meal, I showered, ran some errands, mopped, and blocked off 2 hours to writing client plans, emailing online clients, and making adjustments to current plans. Grabbed a new-to-me kombucha as I was out and about:


And then was ready for a small(ish) lunch.



Leftover salmon, figs & goat cheese (and then some more figs and goat cheese.) Now I’m all out of figs, and am sad. Hopefully Whole Foods still has some when I go tomorrow!



I had to run back to train some afternoon and evening clients, so after doing a little writing work, I grabbed a Quest Nutrition bar on my way out the door. Cookie dough is my favorite flavor! But I also really like coconut.



Once home from work and from walking Niko, Shane and I made a super simple dinner. We grilled out Applegate Farms hot dogs- in the picture above is what I call a double dog, 2 dogs  1 big bun –  along with some summer squash and onions and an unpictured glass of malbec Winking smile




Snacked on this scone from Great Harvest while watching Breaking Bad (aahhhhh such a good episode.) I went in earlier to grab a loaf of bread for Shane’s sandwiches, and it called to me! It’s made with almond meal, and I snacked on it with some coconut milk.

Have a lover-ly day, my friends Open-mouthed smile I’m off to train a couple clients, and then going on a hike with a friend…can you guess which one?? Winking smile

What’s your favorite way to end the day?