Some thoughts and discussions from me.


Remember a month or two ago, when I posted my goal for the What’s Beautiful campaign for Under Armour?


I mentioned how I was SO dang afraid – and untrusting of myself – to go upside down in my yoga practice.

Well, it may have taken me 7 weeks, but in class on Monday, I made a ha-yuuuge breakthrough. I went into a headstand!!!


It was for a brief moment, but I went from prasarita into bakasana (crow pose) and then into a headstand. WOOP!! (We actually “woop” in one of my classes. My (tied for) favorite teacher asks us a question, and if the answer is yes, we answer “woop!” Like, “want to practice bird of paradise??” “WOOP!”)

Anyway, I’m happy to say I’m finally progressing my headstand. I’m not saying I don’t have a lot to work on. And I’m definitely not saying I don’t fall into summersault…


But I AM making progress. WOOP! Open-mouthed smile

I must have been on fire on Monday, because I also made a couple other breakthroughs – one being I was able to go into camel pose/ustrasana with my heels down.


And another being that I was able to go from 3 legged dog into flipped dog and then right into wheel pose!! I used to always stop at flipped dog/wild thing. This, I am very happy about, because wheel pose is one of my very favorite poses.

This goes to show that if you really work hard at something, you WILL get better. Just give it some time and hard work! I have been going to yoga consistently – 2-4 times a week – since my first hot vinyasa class here in Colorado in January, and I’m finally really making some progress.

And before I go, since it’s What I Ate Wednesday and all, I’ll share with you last night’s dinner:


Shane and I are still all about the grill. Yesterday afternoon after a supershort hike with Lauren, we stopped by Whole Foods where I picked up some pre-made hamburgers:


They were called “caprese” burgers, of which I’m still unsure what that means even after eating them. I do know they were tasty! On the side, I sliced up a few gold potatoes, which we enjoyed with ketchup. Notice there’s no veggies here. I’ve been in a vegetable funk! It’s been either salads on the side or a veggie pack of onion and summer squash. For some reason I just can never seem to come home from the store with ideas for vegetable sides for dinner. I suppose a trip to the farmer’s market is in order this weekend…

Have a great Wednesday, friends! I’m off to train a few clients and then take a yoga class.

What’s your favorite yoga pose?

What’s your favorite veggie to cook on the grill?