Some thoughts and discussions from me.

I’m so looking forward to yoga today. Yesterday was quite the active day! After teaching a core class, I…


went hiking with Lauren

took Niko on a 45 minute walk

did this workout with Katie after training clients


and then went on a final walk with several of my neighbors. It was a doggy parade Smile

But yeah, definitely looking forward to stretching the stems this afternoon.

Eats lately have been pretty all over the place. Yesterday morning I ended up eating breakfast (this hot cereal) early – on my way to teach, so when I got back from hiking at 11, I was starving. I immediately heated up all of the leftovers from last night’s dinner- lamb curry stir fry-  and called it lunch.


Then around 3:30 before I had to head into the gym, I knew I wouldn’t have a chance to eat again until after 7:00, so I went ahead and made…whatever you call a meal eaten at 4:00 p.m. is called. I baked a few bone in, skin-on chicken thighs, a sweet potato (with ghee, salt, and cinnamon,) and then sauteed some veggies in olive oil, lemon, salt + pepper, mustard, and garlic:


Of course by the time I got home again, after working out and walking, I was hungry again, and turned to a big bowl of oatmeal mixed with blueberries, chocolate chips, and coconut milk, followed by a chopped up banana topped with almond butter and dark chocolate. I was definitely craving me some chocolate!

And with that, I don’t have much else on my mind to share this morning, besides that I’m sitting on the back patio writing this, and it feels eerily similar to the feeling I have when I’m on vacation. I don’t know why, but now that warm weather is here, I’ve felt like that SO much. Maybe it’s because I’m still trying to build up my schedule… Anyway! What I DO  have to share with you is this cute and awe-inspiring video. You know how I’ve been working on increasing my pull up reps? Well, I’m officially both jealous and completely in love with this baby red panda, who OWNS pull ups.

HA! Open-mouthed smile I saw this on my friend’s (and client – Hi Steph!!) Facebook page and just had to share it with ya’ll. Love it!           

OK guys, I hope you have a lovely Wednesday.

Do your activity levels stay pretty consistent through the week? Or are the up and down each day? Being a trainer and group fitness instructor, mine are more up and down. It depends if I participate while I’m teaching. Additionally, being so close to the mountains and yoga studios have also increased my activity levels. But then after a super active day, I’ll take it easier the next.