Some thoughts and discussions from me.

Good morning! Open-mouthed smile

I owe you guys an update, especially since I teased about it here and here.  Let me be frank with you: things have been just a little tough lately.

There are were three main things that have been weighing heavily on me lately. Now there’s two, because one of them is looking up. That one is my job as a personal trainer. Since moving, business has been…pretty slow. What I thought was going to be a flourishing opportunity has been, well, the opposite. The member traffic where I was training just wasn’t what I’d been told, and unfortunately the interest in personal training there has been far less than I expected.

At first I rode it out, just putting in my time, trying to get some more clients. But after about 4 weeks, I started to look elsewhere to supplement my income. I talked to about a dozen businesses, gyms, and people, and throughout the entire time, I promised myself I would take my time, and find a place that really fits me. A place I could really see myself growing and being successful. And last week I found that place:


The view from where I’ll be teaching and training.

That’s right! I’ll now be teaching a few group fitness classes a week, along with PT as I pick up clients Open-mouthed smile

Like I said, I’d talked to many gyms and people, and just got a great vibe from this place – one that really fit me as a trainer. After taking a few of the classes that I’ll be teaching, I start tomorrow morning! Here’s a little sampling of what one of the classes I’ll be teaching is like:


Since I’m an independent contractor, I’m also still going to be training the clients that I’d previously had at the other gym.

More news: I started a neighborhood boot camp!



I live in a new, urban development-type neighborhood, where it’s a tight-knit community – (hello neighborhood Friday night happy hours!) I sent out an email to the group, and got TONS of positive feedback about boot camp. For now it’s only on Saturday mornings, but if it turns out to be a hit, I might look into doing more with it. I’m SO excited to start Smile

Speaking of – it’s time to go! Teaching my first class this morning – yay Open-mouthed smile I’m also hoping to catch a CorePower yoga class at some point today.

Has there ever been a time where you’ve been in a job that wasn’t what you expected?