Boost Your Metabolism Naturally: Effective Strategies to Increase How Much You Burn
Boost Your Metabolism Naturally: Effective Strategies to Increase How Much You Burn Tell me if this sounds familiar: You used to be able to eat whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted. Now? It's 20 years later and it feels like your metabolism is broken. You're...
You’re Doing Everything Right, and Still Not Seeing Results
You're Doing Everything Right, and Still Not Seeing Results I don't know if you've ever been in this situation, but if you have, I'm here to tell you that: a) It's OK. You're not "messing up" and b) You're not alone Over the years I've had women email and message me...
Post-pregnancy Ab Exercises
4 Post-pregnancy Ab Exercises During pregnancy, the body changes and shifts in order to accommodate the growing uterus (and baby inside.) Some muscle groups change more than others - and one of these are the muscles of the abdominal wall. More specifically, the...