Some thoughts and discussions from me.

If you’re looking to build up your glutes, I highly recommend checking out my 8-Week Sleek & Sculpted program. While the program is total body and fat-loss focused, there are bonus glute workouts with some of my sure-fire exercises to build the glutes every other week. I’ve written it in a progressive method, but you’ll get new workouts every single day. You can learn more information about the program – and if it’s a good fit for you – HERE!



Or does she?

Before we get into the exercises, let’s address something that needs to be discussed.

If you follow any fitness instagram folks, then you’ve probably seen the hashtag #yeahshesquats alongside a great pair of glutes. However, the motivational quotes and hashtags with a great ass that seem to go hand-in-hand with squats is somewhat misleading.

It’s also completely impossible to get shapely glutes through using your own bodyweight. I actually incorporate glute building and shaping exercises into all of my warm ups, as well as my body weight workouts.

Why Squatting isn’t Always the Best Exercise to Build Glutes

1. The lay person who wants to build glutes might see all of the squat-butt pictures on social media, and start squatting to get a great butt. However, many people (women especially) are quad dominant. This person should probably squat eventually, but definitely not right out of the gates. They need to learn to activate their glutes first.

2. Squats are a knee-dominant exercise, meaning there is more bend at the knee than there is hinging at the hips. Knee bend primarily recruits quadriceps engagement, and hip hinging primarily calls on glute engagement.

3. Everyone’s limb-length and anatomy is different, and while squatting might target the glutes for some, it doesn’t for many. For most, squatting – and other knee-dominant lower body exercises –  builds the quads moreso than the glutes.

That said, if you know what you’re doing with squats, and have great glute recruitment, they can aid in building glutes. But in my experience, they still aren’t necessarily the best exercise for building the booty.

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What Builds the Glutes?

glute building

If I may toot my own horn for a second here, I know what it takes to build glutes (just ask Alyssa!) Heck, I love training glutes so much that hosted a free 4-week Glute Camp this past summer! 🙂 It takes the right training program, the right exercise selection, time, and nutrition to support said training program.

As I mentioned before, not everyone is built the same, and some women’s glutes respond better to some exercises than others. It depends on your body type, if you’re naturally quad, hamstring, or glute dominant, how much glute activation you have, etc. Also notice that I didn’t say that it requires tons of equipment. Sure, load (i.e. weights) will support glute building, but it’s doable to add load to an exercise with out heavy metal.

So, the three exercises below are NOT all encompassing, and are not necessarily the 3 best exercises for everyone. These are MY top 3 exercises that have built my glutes. They might not be for my clients who have that goal, and they might not be yours, but I think they’re pretty damn good exercises.

Develop a Derrière

First thing’s first. Before you even get into the exercises, some glute activation exercises need to be done. I do at least 20 glute bridges and 20 hip abduction exercises before any lower body workout.

This warm-up covers a full body warm up, but also covers the glutes:

You could also do a glute-activation workout, like this one:

If you know that you’re quad or hamstring (or low back) dominant before the glutes, you could do the glute-activation workout every other day if you really wanted to!

My Top 3 Glute Building Exercises

*There are ways to progress to ALL of these exercises. A solid, well-designed program with compound lifts, accessory lifts, that is written to the correct schedule is necessary. As always, please consult your physician before beginning any new exercise program.

**For all of the exercises below, if you actually click the title and go into my Youtube channel, you’ll find the exercise instructions in the description.

1. The Barbell Hip Thrust

I actually start my strength days 2 days a week with barbell hip thrusts. It’s really important to concentrate on form and consciously move the weight up (and down) with your glutes. If your mind is elsewhere, it’s likely that you’ll be going through the motion and your quads, hamstrings, or worse, low back, will take over moving the weight.

No load? Go for body weight hip thrusts and increase reps and time under tension.

2. Deadlift

Ahhh, my very favorite exercise of all time! Currently, I’ve been loving on the trap-bar deadlift, but rely on sumo barbell deadlifts often as well. Choose the variation that works best for you and your limb and lever length. The Jefferson Deadlift is always fun, too!

3. Band-resisted Back Extensions

I actually use resistance bands a lot when working with the glutes because it places the most amount of tension where the band is the tightest – at the top of the motion. This forces greater gluteal recruitment through the entire motion.

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Ok, I was going to do a couple “runner up” exercises, but I just can’t choose! There are so many great exercises that to write into training programs to build the glutes, and the type-A side of me (which is a very small side, for the record,) just can’t throw a slew of exercises out there without putting them into a progressive program.

glute building

And yes, squats definitely can help build and shape a nice booty, however, form and slight tweaks play a huge part in doing so correctly. My point is, just because you’re doing A2G (ass to grass) squats, doesn’t mean stronger glutes will follow.

Your Trainer Paige's

My brand new Peak Physique Online Boot Camp starts March 28th, and I would LOVE to work with you in it. With a focus on burning fat and building muscle, we’ll utilize macronutrient cycling, nutrient timing, and training intensity cycling to see those results. This program is for those who are ready for more advanced techniques or those who have completed previous programs with me. Registration doesn’t officially open until March 17th, but I already have a few people on the waitlist.  If you’d like to get on the waitlist, or would like more information about the program, fill out the form below or leave your email in the comments below and I will be in touch with you shortly

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Are you working toward developing a certain muscle group right now? Do you typically do full body workouts or muscle group splits (upper/lower, etc.) 

I’m almost always doing full body workouts. My body tends to respond best to them, and I have the most fun with ’em. Win-win! 🙂