Some thoughts and discussions from me.

 Pssst! #FitandFestive begins on Monday! If you haven’t already, make sure you sign up today!

stitch fix

That’s the question that popped into my mind as Stitch Fix reviews began popping up all across the interwebz. This was about 8 months ago.

I sat on the thought. Checked the website, started my consultation, and then clicked the X in the upper right hand corner of my screen. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Then finally, last month I just decided to go for it. It was the transition of a summer wardrobe to winter, and I wanted to spice up my attire. So I logged on, filled out my style profile, and then instead of clicking the X, I clicked “schedule my fix!”

Then I anxiously waited about 3-4 weeks until it arrived on my doorstep…my first fix!


I’m pretty sure I dropped what I was doing and ran upstairs to try everything on. It felt like Christmas –  I’ve never had a personal stylist before!

Before I get into what was in my fix, let me tell you a little bit about it.

What is Stitch Fix?

A fashion retailer where you sign up and have a personal stylist who chooses and sends outfits to you, based on your notes, extensive style profile, pinterest board, etc.

How Does it Work?

Sign up and fill out your style profile where you fill out everything from your height/weight etc, personal style, what you love, what you don’t love, and what your clothing budget typically is.

Then you pick a date to receive your fix, and your stylist gets to work putting it together. You originally put down $20 for your fix, but that $20 goes toward anything you decide you want to purchase in your shipment as a credit.

When your fix arrives, you try everything on decide what you want to keep, and what you want to send back. (They provide a bag for returns with postage included.) Then you log onto your account, check off what you’re keeping, and what you’re returning (and why, so your stylist knows for your next fix) and pay for the items you want to keep.

It also comes with a style card, which was huuuuge for me, because I can’t style myself out of a cardboard box.


Oh! And if you keep everything in your shipment, you receive 25% off of your entire fix. Ok, now that we’ve got that out of the way…

My First Stitch Fix

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Outfit #1

LA MADE Elowen Colorblocked Sweater Tunic

Level 99 Glenda Distressed Straight Leg Jean


What did I keep? Both! I love love love distressed skinnies and the sweater is totally my style, too. I like the color blocking and the way it was form fitting without being tight.

Jeans are usually a tough one for me. Thanks to deadlifting and glute exercises, I’ve got some junk in the trunk, which typically means that if jeans fit my fanny, then they’re way lose in the waist. These jeans gave some stretch, and fit both my booty and waistline perfectly!



So, ladies who lift: I’d check out Level 99 jeans! (PS, also love Joe’s Jeans for muscular curves)

(Oh, and I decided to wear taller, dressier boots and boot socks with this outfit, a la what I’m wearing in this picture)

Outfit #2

Loveappella Haleigh Drape Front Tunic Dress

Pixley Audri Rectangle Clear Stone Pendant Necklaces



What did I keep? The dress. I returned the necklace.

I actually didn’t think I’d like the dress because I typically don’t like wrap dresses or tops. Some women can pull them off fabulously, but I am not one of them; they usually don’t flatter my figure and make me look frumpy.

However, I loved this dress instantly after putting it on. The fabric is SO soft, and the wrap part of the dress is more drapey, and for some reason I liked it! I paired it with nude pumps above, but I think when I wear it next, I’ll wear it with tall brown boots and boot socks.

I did, however, return the necklace. While I do like long gold necklaces, I’m not into clear pendants or shiny gold (I like brushed gold better.)

And finally…

Outfit #3


I’m pretty sure Shane said something to make me laugh right before snapping this gem (probably that I looked like a hippie.)

I didn’t keep this tunic because a) it’s just a little too…patterny? for me? I’m not sure. I just wasn’t into it, and b) it was too flowy. I feel blouses that are super flowy make me look like I have no shape; kind of a boxy look, I think, because of my slightly broader shoulders (again with the lifting!)

I tried tying the tunic in a small knot on one side, but ultimately decided that I can’t pull off this blouse. I really wanted to like it, though!


PS – why does looking off to the side automatically happen if asked to model clothing? Don’t mind me…I’m just looking off into the distance at my window.

So there you have it! My first Stitch Fix. Should I sign up for stitch fix? I certainly think so now! In fact, I put my fixes on a regular schedule of every other month (you can do every other week, monthly, or every other month.) In fact, I don’t know what took me so long in the first place. I hate malls, and am horrible at shopping, so Stitch Fix fixes that problem! Sayonara crowded malls!

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Disclaimer: I did not receive any free product or compensation for writing this post. I purchased everything with my own money, and all thoughts are my own. However, some of the links in this post are referral links, and if you sign up, I’ll receive credit toward my next fix!

Have you every tried Stitch Fix or a program like it?

Shopping: love it or hate it?